The impact of sleep on weight and metabolism

Sleep and Metabolism

Have you ever noticed that after a night of poor sleep, you tend to reach for high calorie, sugary foods the next day? This is because lack of sleep can throw off your hormones, including the hunger hormone leptin and the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin. When these hormones are out of balance, it can cause cravings … Read more

Does Toothpaste have Calories? (Yes)

Does toothpaste have colaries?

Ever wondered if there are calories in toothpaste? The short and simple answer is yes, most toothpastes contain calories. In fact, a typical toothpaste from your local supermarket contains about 1 calorie per 100 grams. From a dietary perspective this is a negligible quantity, especially if you don’t swallow when you brush. So don’t worry, … Read more