TDEE Calculator: What is your TDEE?

Use calcount TDEE Calculator to find out how much energy you use per day. TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, a concept closely related to BMR, BMI, and an important factor in calculating how many calories you need per day. It is a very useful number to know if you want to lose weight:

How to Calculate TDEE (What is TDEE anyway?)

This accurate TDEE Calculator finds your TDEE with the Harris Benedict formula and your physical dimensions, gender, and age, factoring in your activity level to calculate how much energy you use in an average day. It gives you a useful estimate of how much energy you burn in a day. Your body’s basic makeup (age, gender, height, and weight) determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). By adding the energy burned doing exercise, daily chores, work, and leisure activities to the BMR we get Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). We use a formula to estimate how much energy you use doing activities.

How to Increase your TDEE Calculator result

TDEE can be increased in two related ways. By far the most effective way is to increase your rate of metabolism, so that you burn more energy even whilst not purposefully exercising. The second way is to become more active during the day, perhaps by including a brisk walk in your routine. By becoming more active, you naturally increase your rate of metabolism, leading a virtuous cycle of health. Your body fat percentage will go down as your muscle tissue adapts to a higher daily calorie expenditure. In simple terms, you will be fitter! Muscle-building activities like weight-training are most effective at raising metabolism levels.

TDEE Calculator factors in Weight Training

Are TDEE and BMR the Same?

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which you can calculate with our Calorie Counter Australia BMR Calculator, is different from Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). The difference is the energy used for voluntary activity throughout the day. TDEE includes the non-essential energy expenditures, whilst BMR does not. Thus, TDEE is more useful as a measure of your real calorie burn, whilst BMR is a better measure of the rate of your metabolism. You might have a lower BMR than someone else, yet have a higher TDEE than them if you are more active throughout the day.

Got my TDEE, Now What?

If this is your first experience with a calorie expenditure calculator, congrats! You now have an energy baseline to work with. Having calculated your TDEE, you are in a position to start counting calories with your own free Calorie Tracker account. Your TDEE is the line in the sand, the high water mark, the current state. From here, you can eat less energy than your TDEE to lose weight, or eat more than your TDEE to gain weight. Read this to understand how energy expenditure affects body weight.