Foods High in Magnesium (Big List)

Foods High in Magnesium (Big List)

Magnesium rich foods are good for your health and help build and maintain muscle. Magnesium is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in your body. Most people get enough magnesium in their diets, but if you suffer from insomnia and/or muscle cramps, it can’t hurt to make sure you’re getting enough. Magnesium … Read more

Does Sweating Burn Fat?

Does Sweating Burn Fat?

No, sweating does not burn fat. In fact, sweat (perspiration) might not even be an indication that you are burning extra calories! We sweat during a tough workout because our muscles are generating too much body heat to disperse by normal circulation. The sweat droplets that form on your skin whilst exercising have no body … Read more

Waist to Hip Ratio: Your Ideal Number

Waist to Hip Ratio: Your Ideal Number

Your waist to hip ratio (WHR) could be a better indicator of healthy body weight than body mass index (BMI). Find you current and ideal waist to hip ratio with this handy calcount WHR Calculator, then read on to learn more about this valuable health metric. Simply enter the circumference measurements of your waist and … Read more