How Many Calories In A Chicken Leg

Chicken is a popular and versatile protein source enjoyed by people worldwide. If you’re wondering about the calorie content of a chicken leg, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the calorie count of a typical chicken leg and provide some insights into its nutritional value.

Calories in a Chicken Leg:

The calorie content in a chicken leg can vary depending on factors like size, cooking method, and whether or not the skin is included. Here’s a general range for the calories in a typical roasted or baked chicken leg:

  • One roasted or baked chicken leg (with skin): Approximately 160 to 180 calories
  • One roasted or baked chicken leg (without skin): Approximately 110 to 130 calories

Please note that these calorie estimates are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the size of the chicken leg and specific cooking methods used. Frying or adding heavy sauces can significantly increase the calorie count.

Nutritional Value:

Chicken legs, particularly when prepared without the skin, are a good source of protein and essential nutrients. They provide essential amino acids, vitamins like B6 and B12, and minerals such as selenium and phosphorus. Removing the skin reduces the fat content and calories, making it a leaner option.

Health Considerations:

When including chicken legs in your diet, here are a few health considerations to keep in mind:

  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to manage calorie intake.
  • Preparation Method: Opt for healthier cooking methods like roasting, baking, or grilling instead of frying.
  • Skin Removal: Removing the skin can significantly reduce the calorie and fat content.


Chicken legs are a flavorful and nutritious addition to your diet. Understanding their calorie content and nutritional value allows you to make informed choices based on your dietary needs and preferences. Whether you enjoy them with the skin or prefer a leaner option without, chicken legs can be a delicious and protein-rich part of a balanced meal.

If you’re interested in tracking your daily calorie intake more effectively, check out the calcount Calorie Tracker, a free and user-friendly tool designed to assist you in reaching your nutritional goals. Learn more here.

Please note that the calorie counts provided are approximate and may vary based on specific factors, including preparation methods and additional ingredients.