Calories in Stir-fry, homemade, seafood & vegetable, with rice or noodles

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Mixed dish containing fish, prawns and squid cooked with oil, water, onion, garlic, ginger, mushroom, capsicum and mixed green vegetables, soy and oyster sauces and honey, as prepared in the home and served with rice or noodles during the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey component of the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey.

Calories in Pizza, seafood, thin base, fast food chain

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Commercially produced thin pizza dough topped with seafood (such as prawn, white flesh fish, calamari and mussels), onion, tomato, capsicum, tomato sauce and cheese. Purchased ready-to-eat from fast food chain-style outlets.

Calories in Stir-fry, homemade, seafood & vegetable

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Mixed dish containing fish, prawns and squid cooked with oil, water, onion, garlic, ginger, mushroom, capsicum and mixed green vegetables, soy and oyster sauces and honey, as prepared in the home during the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey component of the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey.

Calories in Pizza, seafood, thick base, fast food chain

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Commercially produced thick pizza dough topped with seafood (such as prawn, white flesh fish, calamari and mussels), onion, tomato, capsicum, tomato sauce and cheese. Purchased ready-to-eat from fast food chain-style outlets.

Calories in Pizza, seafood, thin base, takeaway style

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Commercially produced thin pizza dough topped with seafood (such as prawn, white flesh fish, calamari and mussels), onion, tomato, capsicum, tomato sauce and cheese. Purchased ready-to-eat from independent takeaway food outlets.

Calories in Mixed dish, not further defined

Calories In Sandwich Or Roll, Filled With Tuna & Salad

Savoury dish typically eaten as part of a main meal and containing meat, fish or meat alternatives, vegetables and a sauce. The composition is weighted to reflect consumption patterns observed in the Australian Health Survey.