Calories in Fruit, for use in garden salad recipes

Calories In Fruit, For Use In Garden Salad Recipes

Mixed fruit for use in garden salad recipes. Includes apples, cranberries, mandarins, apricot, craisins, cumquats, currants, fig, grapes, watermelon, rockmelon, mango, pear, orange, papaya, paw paw, peach, pineapple, plum, pomegranate, raisins and strawberries weighted according to consumption patterns observed during the Australian Health Survey.

Calories in Crumble, stone fruits, baked, homemade

Calories In Fruit, For Use In Garden Salad Recipes

A home prepared baked dessert made from stone fruits (including peach, apricot and plum), topped with a crumble commonly containing rolled oats, brown sugar, plain flour, margarine spread, dairy blend or butter, nuts and cinnamon.

Calories in Trifle, homemade from basic ingredients

Calories In Fruit, For Use In Garden Salad Recipes

A chilled dessert commonly made from dairy cream, dairy custard, plain cake such as butter or sponge cake, and fresh, frozen or canned fruit such as raspberries, strawberries, cherries or peaches. Usually contains jelly and sweet sherry.