How Many Calories In A Rack Of Ribs

Ribs, with their juicy and flavorful meat, are a favorite indulgence for many. But have you ever wondered about
the calorie content of that delicious rack of ribs you’re about to savor? Let’s dig into the details.

Calories in Different Types of Ribs

The calorie content of a rack of ribs can vary depending on various factors:

  • Meat Type: The type of meat used, such as pork, beef, or lamb, can influence the calorie
  • Preparation: The way the ribs are prepared, whether they are smoked, grilled, or
    barbecued, can affect calorie content.
  • Sauce: The type and amount of sauce or seasoning added to the ribs can add extra calories.
  • Portion Size: The size of the rack of ribs matters. Larger racks naturally have more calories
    than smaller ones.
  • Trimming: Whether the ribs are trimmed of excess fat can also impact their calorie content.

Typical Calorie Range

On average, a standard serving of pork ribs (about 3-4 ribs or 100 grams) contains approximately:

  • Calories: 250-350 calories
  • Protein: 25-30 grams
  • Fat: 15-25 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0-5 grams

Keep in mind that these values can vary widely depending on factors like preparation and sauce. Beef and lamb ribs
may have slightly different calorie counts.

Healthier Preparation Tips

If you’re looking to enjoy ribs without going overboard on calories, consider the following tips:

  • Choose Lean Cuts: Opt for leaner cuts of meat with less visible fat.
  • Trim Excess Fat: Before cooking, trim any excess fat from the ribs.
  • Use Less Sauce: Be mindful of the sauce or marinade you use, as these can add extra
  • Grill or Smoke: Grilling or smoking ribs can reduce the calorie content compared to

calcount Calorie Tracker

If you’re actively managing your calorie intake, whether for ribs or any other food, our calcount Calorie Tracker
is a helpful tool. It’s easy to use and completely free. Get started with tracking your nutrition by visiting

In conclusion, while a rack of ribs can be a delicious treat, it’s essential to be aware of its calorie content,
especially if you’re watching your calorie intake. Enjoy your ribs in moderation and consider healthier
preparation methods for a more calorie-conscious approach.


Australian Government – Eat for Health

USDA Food Database