How Many Calories In A Cup Of Ground Beef

Ground beef is a versatile ingredient used in a wide range of delicious dishes, from burgers to spaghetti sauce. If you’re curious about the calorie content of ground beef and how it fits into your diet, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the calorie content of ground beef and provide you with some helpful information.

Calories in a Cup of Ground Beef

The calorie content of ground beef can vary depending on the fat content. Here’s a general idea of how many calories you’ll find in a cup (approximately 240 grams) of cooked ground beef:

  • Regular Ground Beef (70-80% lean): A cup of cooked regular ground beef contains around 352 calories.
  • Lean Ground Beef (90% lean or higher): Opting for lean ground beef reduces the calorie content to about 222 calories per cup.

The fat content in ground beef significantly influences its calorie count. Choosing lean ground beef can help you reduce your calorie intake while still enjoying its protein-rich goodness.

Protein and Nutrients

Ground beef is not just about calories; it’s also packed with essential nutrients:

  • Protein: A cup of cooked ground beef provides approximately 22-26 grams of protein, depending on the fat content.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: It contains essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

Protein is crucial for muscle health and repair, making ground beef a valuable protein source in your diet.

Using Ground Beef Wisely

To make the most of ground beef’s flavor and nutrition while managing calories:

  • Choose Lean Varieties: Opt for lean ground beef to reduce calorie and fat intake.
  • Control Portions: Be mindful of portion sizes to manage your calorie intake.
  • Combine with Veggies: Mix ground beef with vegetables to create lower-calorie, nutritious meals.

Ground beef can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation and balanced with other nutrient-rich foods.

Track Your Caloric Intake with calcount

If you’re interested in tracking your daily calorie intake and managing your diet effectively, our calcount Calorie Tracker is a valuable tool. It’s a free resource designed to help you stay on top of your calorie goals and make informed dietary choices.


Ground beef is a calorie-rich food that provides protein and essential nutrients. By choosing lean varieties and controlling portion sizes, you can enjoy this versatile ingredient as part of a balanced diet. Remember to use the calcount Calorie Tracker to help you achieve your dietary and fitness goals.