How Many Calories In A Chicken Cutlet

A chicken cutlet is a versatile and delicious dish enjoyed by many. Whether it’s breaded and fried or grilled to perfection, understanding the calorie content of a chicken cutlet can help you make informed choices about your meals. In this article, we’ll explore the approximate number of calories in a standard chicken cutlet and provide tips on healthier preparation methods.

Calories in a Chicken Cutlet:

The calorie content of a chicken cutlet can vary based on factors such as cooking method and size. Here’s an approximate range of calories for a typical chicken cutlet:

  • Small Chicken Cutlet (3 oz or 85g): About 140 to 180 calories
  • Medium Chicken Cutlet (4 oz or 113g): Approximately 180 to 240 calories
  • Large Chicken Cutlet (6 oz or 170g): Around 270 to 360 calories

Please note that these calorie estimates are general guidelines and can vary depending on the recipe and preparation. Factors like breading and frying can increase the calorie content compared to grilled or baked chicken cutlets.

Healthier Preparation:

If you’re looking to enjoy a chicken cutlet with fewer calories and less fat, consider these healthier preparation methods:

  • Grill or Bake: Grilling or baking chicken cutlets without breading reduces added calories from frying oil.
  • Use Whole Wheat Breadcrumbs: If you prefer breaded cutlets, opt for whole wheat breadcrumbs for added fiber and nutrients.
  • Trim Excess Fat: Remove visible fat from the chicken before cooking to reduce calorie content.
  • Seasoning: Flavor chicken with herbs and spices instead of excessive oil or butter.
  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to manage calorie intake effectively.


Chicken cutlets can be a tasty and protein-rich addition to your meals. Understanding the calorie content and choosing healthier preparation methods can help you enjoy this dish as part of a balanced diet. Remember that the calorie counts provided are approximate and can vary depending on specific recipes and cooking techniques.

If you’re interested in tracking your daily calorie intake more effectively, consider using the calcount Calorie Tracker, a free and user-friendly tool designed to assist you in reaching your nutritional objectives. Learn more here.

Please note that the calorie counts provided are approximate and may vary depending on specific recipes and ingredients.