16 Oat Milk Calories Ranked Lowest to Highest!

Oat Milk Calories

Oat milk is made differently by brand so the calories are all over the place. Some oat milks have more than twice the calories as others because, unlike cow’s milk which has a rigid skimmed/lite/full-cream classification, oat milk recipes are unique. This makes a calorie counter’s job a bit harder when it comes to choosing … Read more

Jamaica Blue Menu Calories, Ranked!

Jamaica Blue Menu Calories

With over three hundred items on the Jamaica Blue menu, its hard to choose what to get when you are counting your calories. We’ve tried to make it easier for you with this calorie-ranked list of Jamaica Blue’s featured menu. Their featured menu is a collection of the people’s faves, so probably the food you … Read more

Healthy Vietnamese Food: 24 of the Healthiest!

Healthy Vietnamese Food

There is a lot of healthy Vietnamese food. In Vietnam, people combine fresh ingredients and typical South East Asian flavours with… wait for it… French cuisine! If you enjoyed our exposition of Indonesian food, you’re going to drool over this list of the healthiest Vietnamese food we could find. Many of the dishes are quite … Read more

25 Healthy (Low Calorie) Indian Food options

Healthy Indian Food

So you want to know what healthy Indian food is? Well, finding low-calorie Indian food in a cuisine tradition that boasts the richest, creamiest, and tastiest delicacies can be a massive challenge, but there is hope! If you are trying to understand what low calorie Indian food looks like, we’ve compiled a list of dishes … Read more

Calories in Porridge (made 7 ways)

Calories in Porridge

Everyone says it is good for you, but how about the calories in porridge? Porridge has been our food since cavemen, and it is not going away anytime soon, but is it really a good option? Let’s take a closer look at porridge nutrition to see how many calories there are in your morning bowlful! … Read more