How Much Calories In A Cup Of Tea

G’day, tea enthusiasts! If you’re wondering about the calorie content of a cup of tea, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore:

Calories in Plain Tea

A cup of plain tea without any additions such as milk, sugar, or sweeteners is virtually calorie-free. The calories in tea come primarily from the substances found in tea leaves, but these contribute only a negligible amount to your daily calorie intake. So, if you enjoy your tea plain and unsweetened, you can sip on it without worrying about adding extra calories to your diet.

Adding Milk to Tea

If you prefer to add milk to your tea, the calorie content will increase. The exact number of calories will depend on the type and quantity of milk used. Here are some approximate calorie counts for different types of milk added to a cup of tea:

  • Skimmed Milk (1 tablespoon): Approximately 5 calories (21 kilojoules)
  • Low-Fat Milk (1 tablespoon): Approximately 9 calories (38 kilojoules)
  • Full-Fat Milk (1 tablespoon): Approximately 20 calories (84 kilojoules)

Remember that these values are estimates and may vary slightly depending on the brand and specific fat content of the milk you use.

Adding Sweeteners or Sugar

If you choose to sweeten your tea with sugar or artificial sweeteners, the calorie content will increase accordingly. One teaspoon of sugar adds approximately 16 calories (67 kilojoules) to your cup of tea. Artificial sweeteners are generally low in calories or calorie-free.


A cup of plain tea without any additions is virtually calorie-free. However, the calorie content increases if you add milk or sweeteners. By being mindful of the type and quantity of additions, you can manage the calorie intake from your cup of tea.

Track Your Calorie Intake with calcount

If you’re interested in tracking your calorie intake from tea or any other food and beverages, the calcount Calorie Tracker is a fantastic tool. It helps you monitor your daily calorie consumption, set goals, and make informed decisions about your diet. Start tracking your calories and achieving your health goals by visiting

Now that you know more about the calorie content of a cup of tea, you can enjoy your cuppa with the knowledge of how it fits into your overall calorie intake. Cheers to a delightful and mindful tea-drinking experience!