How Many Calories In Tapioca Pearls

Tapioca pearls, also known as boba or bubble tea pearls, are a popular addition to many drinks and desserts. They are made from cassava starch and are commonly used in bubble tea, a Taiwanese drink that has become popular all over the world. But how many calories are in tapioca pearls? Let’s find out!

Nutrition Information

100 grams of tapioca pearls contains approximately:

  • 88 calories
  • 22 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0.2 grams of protein
  • 0.2 grams of fat
  • 0.1 grams of fiber
  • 0.3 milligrams of iron

It’s important to note that tapioca pearls are usually consumed in much smaller amounts than 100 grams. In a typical bubble tea drink, there are usually around 20-30 grams of tapioca pearls, which means that the calorie count is much lower.

Are Tapioca Pearls Healthy?

While tapioca pearls are not particularly nutritious, they are generally considered safe to consume in moderation. However, it’s important to note that many bubble tea drinks are high in sugar and calories, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems if consumed in excess.

If you’re looking to enjoy a bubble tea, it’s a good idea to choose a smaller size and limit the amount of added sugar. You can also ask for alternative sweeteners, such as honey or stevia, to reduce the calorie count.

The Bottom Line

Tapioca pearls are a tasty addition to many drinks and desserts, but they should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Be aware of the calorie and sugar content of bubble tea drinks and choose smaller sizes or alternative sweeteners when possible.