How Many Calories In Mcdonalds Small Fries

McDonald’s is a globally renowned fast-food chain, and their fries are a beloved side dish. If you’re curious about
the calorie content in a small serving of McDonald’s fries, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the

Calories in a Small McDonald’s Fries

A small serving of McDonald’s fries, typically referred to as the “Small Fries” on their menu, contains
approximately 229 calories.

These delicious golden fries are made from potatoes and are cooked to perfection. They’re a popular choice among
McDonald’s customers and make for a satisfying snack or side dish.

Additional Information

It’s important to note that while McDonald’s Small Fries are tasty, they are also relatively high in calories,
mainly due to the frying process and the added salt for flavor. While enjoying them in moderation is fine, it’s
essential to balance your meal with other nutritious choices.

If you’re looking to manage your calorie intake and make healthier food choices, consider using the calcount
Calorie Tracker. It’s a convenient tool designed to help you monitor your daily calorie consumption and make
informed dietary decisions. You can start tracking your calories by visiting

Remember that it’s all about balance when it comes to enjoying your favorite fast-food treats. Small indulgences
like McDonald’s fries can be part of a balanced diet as long as they are consumed in moderation and alongside
healthier choices.