How Many Calories In Lemon Water

Lemon water is a refreshing and hydrating beverage enjoyed by many. It’s often touted for its potential health
benefits, including aiding digestion and providing a dose of vitamin C. But what about the calorie content? Let’s
explore how many calories are in a glass of lemon water.

Calories in Lemon Water

The great news is that lemon water is incredibly low in calories. In fact, a typical glass of lemon water made from
the juice of half a lemon and about 8 ounces (240 ml) of water contains only about 5 to 6 calories.

These few calories primarily come from the natural sugars and carbohydrates found in lemon juice. The amount is
minimal and shouldn’t be a significant concern for those watching their calorie intake.

It’s essential to note that the calorie content may vary slightly depending on factors such as the size of the
lemon and the amount of juice extracted. However, it remains a very low-calorie beverage.

Additional Benefits of Lemon Water

Beyond its low-calorie count, lemon water offers other potential health benefits:

  • Vitamin C: Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system.
  • Hydration: Lemon water is an excellent way to stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Flavor: It adds a pleasant and refreshing flavor to your water, making it more enjoyable to

Calorie Tracking Made Easy

If you’re interested in tracking your calorie intake, whether it’s from lemon water or any other source, consider
using the calcount Calorie Tracker. It’s a user-friendly tool designed to help you monitor your daily calorie
consumption and make informed dietary choices. Start tracking your calories today by visiting

Lemon water is not only a low-calorie beverage but also a refreshing addition to your daily routine. Enjoy it as a
hydrating and flavorful option without worrying about excessive calorie intake.