How Many Calories Are In 1 Apple

If you’re wondering about the calorie content of an apple, you’ve come to the right place. At calcount, we’re here to provide you with accurate and reliable nutrition information. So, let’s dive right in and find out how many calories are in that delicious apple you’re eyeing.

The Caloric Content of an Apple

An apple is a fantastic choice when it comes to snacking. It’s not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients and fiber. Now, let’s talk calories. The number of calories in an apple can vary slightly depending on its size and variety. On average, a medium-sized apple weighing about 180 grams contains approximately 95 calories.

It’s important to note that the majority of calories in an apple come from carbohydrates, specifically natural sugars. However, these sugars are accompanied by a good amount of fiber, which helps slow down their absorption, providing a steady release of energy.

While an apple may contain a modest number of calories, it offers various health benefits. Apples are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, which contribute to a healthy immune system and overall well-being.

If you’re looking to track your daily calorie intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle, we recommend checking out the calcount Calorie Tracker. It’s a free tool that helps you monitor your calories, set goals, and make informed choices about your nutrition. Start tracking today by clicking here.

Nutrients in an Apple

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Energy 52 calories
Protein 0.3g
Fat 0.2g
Carbohydrates 14g
Fiber 2.4g
Vitamin C 0.9mg

These values are approximate and can vary depending on the apple variety and size.

So, whether you prefer a crisp Granny Smith, a sweet Pink Lady, or any other apple variety, you can enjoy the deliciousness while keeping an eye on your calorie intake. Remember, moderation is key, and adding a variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet is always a great idea.

That’s it for today’s calorie breakdown of apples. We hope you found this information helpful. If you have any more questions about nutrition or want to explore other food options, be sure to check out our website for more resources.

Stay healthy and keep crunching those apples!