There are 258 calories (1082 kilojoules) in 100 grams of Bread, from white or wholemeal flour, organic, added grains, commercial. 100g of Bread, from white or wholemeal flour, organic, added grains, commercial contains 41g carbs. See the Nutrition Facts panel below:
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Selected Weight
Total Fat (g)
4 -
Saturated Fat (g)
1 -
1082 -
Sodium (mg)
442 -
Alcohol (g)
0 -
Cholesterol (mg)
0 -
Total Carbohydrate (g)
41 -
Dietary Fibre (g)
7 -
Sugars (g)
1 -
Protein (g)
About This Food
Commercially prepared, sliced or unsliced bread made from white, wholemeal or rye wheaten bread-making flour with added grains and other permitted ingredients. May contain added folic acid and iodine, in addition to thiamin. Ready to eat.
calcount sourced the nutrition information for Bread, from white or wholemeal flour, organic, added grains, commercial from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), with thanks.
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- Calories in Bread, from rye flour, organic, commercial
A Note about How Many Calories there are:
You have just reviewed Nutrition Facts including Calories In Bread, From White Or Wholemeal Flour, Organic, Added Grains, Commercial. The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.