Even More calcount!

So, you have your own Calorie Tracker, you’ve found out how many calories you need per day, and you’ve calculated your BMI. You’ve even converted kJ to calories, and worked out your body fat percentage and ideal body weight. Now, you want more information about how to really get into the calorie counter lifestyle? Welcome to the calcount blog! We write about food, and counting calories, and healthy living. We hope you like it!

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Even More…

There’s lots more to read!

  • Aeroplane Jelly flavours Calorie Ranked Lowest to Highest
    I like Aeroplane Jelly, and so probably do you, so let’s find out which flavours have the lowest calories and which one has the highest calories! Since “there’s always room for jello”, you might as well choose the one with fewer calories if you are trying to maintain a calorie deficit. There’s actually a huge ...
  • Chewing Gum has this many Calories (Lowest to Highest)!
    Chewing gum, even the sugar-free type, has calories. A couple of pieces of gum are not going to affect anyone’s daily calories target, but it is still good to know which chewing gum has relatively more calories. Remember, you don’t have to swallow chewing gum to absorb its calories (don’t swallow gum!). The calories listed ...
  • Milk Calories and Protein (Lowest to Highest)
    Milk is an everyday staple, so if you are tracking your calories its important to know how many calories there are in your favourite brand. We’ve already covered the calories in oat milk, and explained the difference between skimmed, lite, and full cream milk, so its about time we made a calories ranked list for ...
  • We’ve got the all the Beans Calories, Lowest to Most!
    Want to know how many calories there are in beans? The sort of beans you get from the supermarket? Green beans, red beans, brown beans, baked beans, chilli beans, canned, fresh, frozen, we’ve lined ’em up here from lowest calories to highest calories! Now, you can choose the right bean to suit your daily calories ...
  • Chiko Roll: Calories, Ingredients, Nutrition, and History!
    Its hard to go past a good Chiko Roll but what’s in them, how many calories do they have and how did they get their name? Why is this Australian classic comfort food so well-known and iconic? Let’s get the answers to these questions before we start putting these handy tubes of savoury crunch into ...
  • Dips! Dips! Lowest to Highest Calories!
    Dips are sneaky calories and best avoided, but if you’re going to indulge you’ll do well to choose the ones with the lowest calories and avoid the creamy sort with the highest calories. Did you like our post on sauces and condiments ranked by calories? Then you’re going to enjoy this list of Australia’s most ...
  • Low Calories Fruit, High Calorie Fruits (Ascending Order)
    We’ve already told you about the best 3 fruits you can eat, now we’re showing you a big list of the calories in fruits, arranged from the lowest to the highest calorie fruit! This is a post you might want to bookmark, so that you can come back to it whenever you think about which ...
  • Gloria Jean’s Coffee Menu (starting with Lowest Calories)
    Here’s the entire Gloria Jeans coffee menu, listed in ascending calories order. If Gloria Jean’s is your cafΓ© of choice, you’re going to want to see this menu list of all their coffees, ranked from lowest calories to highest. After reading our calories in coffee post, you’ll know that there are huge differences in the ...
  • Boost Juice Calories: All 47 Ranked Lowest to Highest!
    Boost Juice’s smoothies and juice blends are healthy, but how many calories, carbs, and sugar do they have? When you’re a calorie counter like us you need to know which one has the fewest calories and which juice has the highest calories. That way, when you sidle up to the nearest Boost Juice bar you’ll ...
  • Vegetable Calories, from Lowest to Highest
    All vegetables are good for you, but some have low calories and others have relatively higher calories. When you’re trying to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight, it is good to know your peas from your broccoli. In classic calcount form, we took a walk through the veggie aisle at Woolies and ranked what ...